The producers of the television show “World’s Greatest!…”, announced that they recently selected Spira Manufacturing to be a part of the popular television series. “We think their story will be meaningful as well as educational to our viewers” said Gordon Freeman, Executive Producer of the show.

As part of the show, they visited Spira’s facilities in southern California, to find out what the story behind the story is with this great, innovative, and still fast-growing company, and to show the “World’s Greatest!…” viewers why Spira Manufacturing Corporation was selected as the best in their category, and therefore featured on the show.

“World’s Greatest!…” is a thirty minute show dedicated to highlighting the world’s greatest companies, products, places, and people. Each show is a fast paced tour around the world featuring behind the scenes footage, informative interviews, and exciting visuals.

See entire segment (Spira featured at 22:25):

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